Why is the Devil behind the climate agenda?


Whose side are you on?

In 1John5:19 it is written “We (those who are Christ's) know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.”  

Yes, it’s a fact and if you didn’t know it already, there is a god of this world. The wicked one. He has various names, one being “the prince of the power of the air” Eph 2:2

In 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 we read that "the god of this age"deceives people so they can’t see the truth, he has blinded their eyes.


In 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 we read that he deceives people so they can’t see the truth. 

Be warned "Satan transforms himself into an angel of light" 2 Corinthians 11:13-14

So the people of the world follow along the course of the wicked one, he who is the prince of the power of the air. He is also the father of lies, and there is no truth in him and furthermore he is a murderer. John 8:44, Eph 2:2. His kingdom is a kingdom of darkness, Acts 26:16-18.

It’s really important that anyone who is part of the global environmental movement (cult) knows that they are under the devils' direction. He is the cult leader.

Millions of people who claim they are doing good, who don’t even believe there is a God are happy to live as a child of the devil, walking in darkness following a murderous liar.

Sadly, there are many who claim to be Christians doing the same.

Many reading this don’t believe that the above statement is even true or possible, and they will continue under the sway of the wicked one (the Devil and Satan) 

If, however, you are willing to go along with the possibility that something in the above statement could be true, then please, read on.

Knowing who the enemy is, what his intentions are and how he operates are going to help you understand what’s going on.

I realise too that those who do not believe in God wont understand that what they are doing (by trying to save the planet) is wrong. It is literally like asking a blind person to see or a deaf person to listen. 

One of the reason Jesus the Christ came was to be the means through which the captives of the god of this world could be delivered. John 12:20-31; 14:30; 16:6-11, Luke 10:18, Eph 2, Col 1:9-23, Rev 12

For this reason we all need God’s word to hear the truth, so we can see Romans 10:17

There are only two sides in the conflict which side are you on? The side of the Devil-satan (The dragon and the serpents) or God's side through faith in Jesus Christ.

 The Devil’s intention

God’s word tells us that the devil intends to sit as god in the temple of God, be worshipped as God. Isaiah 14:12-17, 2Thessalonians 2:1-4, Revelation 12; 13; 14; 17

Christ warned about deception prior to His return as King and many coming in His name, saying they are Christ. Matthew 24:5. In fact, in Matthew 24 Jesus gives 4 warnings of deceptions, meaning it was a very serious concern.

God’s word is always true (John 17:17)

In the account found in Genesis 3 we read how the women (Eve) was deceived by the serpent. See also 1 Timothy 2:13-15

The serpant

God commanded Adam not to eat of the tree of knowledge of God and evil Gen 2:15-17.

The serpent we learn is the Devil & Satan, Revelation 12:9

His work from the beginning was to lie, deceive, to temp and undermine what God has commanded and oppose Him.

See Genesis 3:1,4-5

Keep in mind the scripture has more than one meaning for the word DAY. In 2Peter 3:8 we learn that 1 day is as a thousand years. God told Adam in the day he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he would surly die. Adam died when he was 930, Genesis 5:5. It was in a day 930 is within a 1000 years.


The devil intends to sit as god in the temple of God, be worshipped as God. He lies, deceives, temps and undermines what God has commanded and oppose God.

Anti- Christ

Satan mimics the things of God & Christ. In Revelation 13:11 we see this imagery. The first beast (we learn) has a mortal wound and was healed, Revelation 13:3. In Revelation 17:7-8 we learn that the beast who was and is not, yet is, ascends out of the bottomless pit.                Christ was wounded for our transgressions (sin against God) He died, was buried and raised to life on the third day. 1Corinthians 15. Furthermore, it is prophesied that there would be a king on the throne of David for eternity, Isaiah 9:6-7.  Revelation 1:8 says “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”   All this refers to Christ (the messiah), yet clearly the working of the devil-satan in the beast uses similar terms and language.

We often think of anti to mean against or in opposition to, and that is true, but it’s more than that when dealing with how the bible refers to anti-Christ. In 2Thess 2:1-4 it describes the son of perdition as one who opposes God or is against Him. However, we must understand anti Christ means in place of.

Light, love, good, right, true are all words that appear to describe what most people associate with someone who is living and acting as a good person should, but any of them can be done from wrong motives, maybe to deceive or create the illusion that the person is a good person, not forgetting of cause that only "God is good" Mark 10:18

The amount of times I have heard someone claim to be telling “The truth” is innumerable. Then there are those claiming “I have my rights” Or how love means, loving myself first so that my self-esteem is raised enough so that I can love others.

In God’s word, love and truth work hand in hand. Love is not mutually exclusive. God’s Love is not a natural attribute of man. In 1 Corinthians 13 (a chapter in the bible that is often quoted at weddings) we read in verse 6 Love...”does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth” 

....Continuing with Anti Christ

In 1John 2 a comparison is being made between true Christians and those who call themselves brethren (Christians) and yet do not walk in light or love verse 6 “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.”

The warning to “Not love the world” or “The things of the world” are to define the line and to separate those in Christ from those in the world 1John 2:16

To be Holy is to be set apart from the world and unto God. Not walking around as if a halo was over one's head. There has to be separation from the world and its lusts. 2 Corinthians 6:16-18

In 1John 5:19 we read  “We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.”  

In Ephesians 2:1-7 Christians are reminded what they were, how they once walk, whose spirit they were influenced by, what they have been delivered from and how God saved and delivered them.

Finally, Christians are warned by the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:11-16

Satan transforms himself into an angel of light.

The subject doesn’t really matter, but in the case Paul is dealing with, it seems some are pretending to be those sent by the Lord (Apostles) who look like they follow Christ but are in it for their own fame and gain.

Exposing unfruitful works of darkness

The work of a believer in Jesus Christ, is to be an imitator of God. This is only possible by the work of the Holy Spirit, who works in the Christian, to please God the Father. Ephesians 5:11-12; 5. The holy spirit is only given to those who believe in Jesus Christ. 

With this background, let’s now look at the climate agenda of the interfaith movement.

Keep in mind that what things look and sound like light, love, good, right, true are not from God but from Satan the Devil who deceives.

The Interfaith agenda

On the interfaith website you will find Link 10 Principals for Climate Repentance

I believe it was set out by “The Elijah Board of World Religious Leaders

The list of 10 principles from the interfaith website

1. We are stewards of this world

2. Creation manifests divinity

3. Everything in life is interconnected

4. Do no harm

5. Look after tomorrow

6. Rise above ego for our world

7. Change our inner climate

8. Repent and return

9. Every action matters

       10. Use mind, open heart


Then we read;

"The 10 principles are followed by bullet points that offer suggestions for practical consequences and applications."

Followed by;

This statement "God and the World – the Nature of Being"

"Creation is not our possession. The human person must recognize this and find his/her rightful place in relation to this fundamental fact. For some of us, this leads to a sense of gratitude for God’s gifts and for the gift of life itself, wherein humanity takes its rightful place as partner and co-creator, in advancing the life of all creation. For others, creation itself is sacred."

Christian response 

 From the list of 10 above.

 The word of God has to be rightly divided (disected)(2Timothy 2:15) the teaching has to be understood as originally written with the contextual meaning applied, otherwise interpretation could be anything we think it means. The scriptures are inspired by God and written by certain men. 2Tim 3:16, 2Peter 1:20-21.

Wrong interpretation leads people to believe wrong things, some very serious. Any who are teachers of God's word are accountable to God.                                     

Revelation 22:18-19 says "For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book;  and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." 

The first 2 points "1. We are stewards of this world 2. Creation manifests divinity"

If understood biblically these phrases could certainly be found in the word of God. Again carfull study is needed, these things are complex. Because someones understanding of the meaning for something can be a completly different meaning to what was the intended interpretation of scripture. Faith for example can mean  something different depending on if someone is a new age guru compared to a born again Christian. To the new ager their faith is found in themselves to the born again Christian, faith is in Christ, who has overcome the world. There is theology behind the interfaith movement because their god is the deciver, the angel of light, the devil.

In the beginning of the bible, we learn about Dominion (Not stuardship)

Genesis 1:26-28 does say that God gave man dominion over certain things.

Dominion doesn't mean ownership. So man is given dominion over fish, birds,cattle and creaping things. Not ownership of the places where these creatures reside. Not the sea, not the sky, not the earth. Everything belongs to God, who created it.

1 Chronicles 29:11 
Deuteronomy 10:14-17 Exodus 19:5Psalm 24:1Psalm 50:10-12
Haggai 2:8, 
1 Chronicles 29:11 We must also consider the later part of Genesis 1:28 & Psalms 115:16 "Fill the earth and subdue it"  "But the Earth He has given to the children of men"
Again these imply something, but it's not ownship. If they are interpreted to mean ownership then there would be contradiction with the many verse already listed above. 


It is God who we are accountable to, not the earth. God is who we have sinned against. Psalm 41:4

The message of Paul, an apostle of Christ to both Jews and Gentiles, was this Acts 20:21 repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.  

In fact, God commands all mankind to repent Acts 17:30

God’s long-suffering towards this world is beyond our comprehension, but He is not willing that any should perish but that they repent. 2 Peter 3:9

The underlined section above reads "wherein humanity takes its rightful place as partner and co-creator"

Christian response. Man is not a co creator with God. 

They then list 9 overall expectations as below.

1. Open your eyes to suffering around you and ensure you are not its cause.

2. Assist those who are suffering the consequences of climate change and do not have the resources to respond.

3. Cultivate wisdom as a foundation for compassion.

4. Put yourself in the place of the other as you consider life. It is a gift that you were placed where you are, and not a value you are entitled to.

5. Be attentive to young people suffering climate anxiety and insecurity relating to their future.

6. Consider the suffering of the poor and the suffering as signals of alarm for what might befall all of us.

7. Be the voice of the species that otherwise have no voice.

8. Be brave and denounce injustices.

9. Support courageous voices for the common good when they are under attack.

They apply them to 10 different headings, this I believe are their 10 Principles

Link to the source website for complete source of info

God and the World – the Nature of Being

Creation is not our possession. The human person must recognize this and find his/her rightful place in relation to this fundamental fact. For some of us, this leads to a sense of gratitude for God’s gifts and for the gift of life itself, wherein humanity takes its rightful place as partner and co-creator, in advancing the life of all creation. For others, creation itself is sacred.

1 We recognize human responsibility to love and protect nature.

Creation is not simply external to God. It is, in significant ways, permeated by God’s presence and being, manifesting the divine agency and reality. Such understandings are found in all traditions, whether as the universal view or as one voice among others. Alternatively, nature is permeated by the spiritual, manifesting ultimate reality in every particle.

2 We must treat all of life with reverence.

3. We must care for each other and the planet.

Humanity and Its Responsibilities

The distinctive task of humanity is to nurture and serve this interdependent life-giving, and so to resist the temptation to exploitation, waste, and harm. Acting in the interest of human well-being cannot be something pursued in separation from working for the well-being of the whole created order. This finds two prominent expressions:

Commitment to not harm creation, and the responsibility to protect it.
b. Commitment to serve, advance, and aid in the growth and evolution of all parts of creation.

4. We recognize that we are responsible for the wellbeing of all life today, as well as for future generations.

5. A disciplined spiritual life is helpful in overcoming the challenges of climate change.

6. Use thought, speech and action only for the good.

7. The human person is benefited by the ongoing effort to purify, raise, and transform himself, in view of a higher vision.

Living in Spirituality and Responsibility

There are reactions when we harm the earth and others. Actions have consequences and no action can be ignored. The weight of our actions and their short and long term consequences lead us to find ways of mitigating harmful actions and to work for the good.

8. Act knowing that every action counts.

9. Take seriously the lessons and observations that humanity has reached by application of its mind in scientific study and through common reason.

10. Be sensitive to the intolerable insecurities and injustices in which so many of our fellow-humans live.

New age thought

About all the above 10 principles


The Oxford dictionary defines the meaning of Monism   

"A theory or doctrine that denies the existence of a distinction or duality in a particular sphere, such as that between matter and mind, or God and the world. Or the doctrine that only one supreme being exists."

Websters definition is similar link here

The mindset of new age spirituality is that because god is in everything and everything is god then man can’t act independently or separately from it. The earth, sea, the atmosphere and even from one another are to be one. Collectivism, globalism, communism are part of the same thing.


Communism assimilates a one equal all equal philosophy yet adds that someone is more equal that everyone else.


“The state must gain glory through constant conquest and war. The past was glorious, and the State can be renewed. The individual has no value outside of his or her role in promoting the glory of the State. Philosophies varied by country.”

Communism & Fascism

Link below to Websites explaining the differences



The deception of the above 10 principles

Man is believed to be part of the whole by those believing Monism -new age- interfaith etc.  Man is being held responsible and accountable for failing to keep the earth from harm.      They apparently must repent.  But God is not who is holding them accountable for the overuse of fossile fuels that have in turn raised the levels of CO2 etc etc. The ruler of the world  (Satan-the Devil) has decieved the world on this matter and they will pay the price for it.

See The deception of the climate crisis agenda on the Global Warning  website. Link Here

Christian response

God made man in His own image, He made them male and female. He gave man dominion over his creation Genesis 1:26-28. 

Man is accountable to God alone, it is He who gave the earth to man. He is the Lord God the creator, and he alone should be worshipped Psalms 115:16, Isaiah 44:6.

There is an account in scripture of Jesus being tempted by the Devil or Satan see Luke 4. In verse 8 we read.

  "And Jesus answered and said to him, “Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve."  

Satanic temple website (STW) link here

On the STW you will find the SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS

Here are 3

1.One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.

4.The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.

7.Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

Do they look OK to you?

If you believe that we must emrace and tolerate all because we are part of the whole and god is the whole, therfore we mustn't harm and say wrong things to others who are on the journey (and all the other nonsense that the anti Christ belief system can come up with) Then don't bother joining the satanic temple. Becuase you are already a member.

Here is a link to a video from an Ex-Luciferian who warns about the Dangers of New Age Spirituality. LINK

OR what about Gaia worship

A prayer from Your 7-Step Faith-Based Blueprint to a Sustainable Life”

Consider saying this prayer, formulated by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov: “Grant

me the ability to be alone; may it be my custom to go outdoors each day among

the trees and grass – among all growing things and there may I be alone, and

enter into prayer, to talk with the One to whom I belong. May I express there

everything in my heart, and may all the foliage of the field – all grasses, trees,

and plants – awake at my coming, to send the powers of their life into the words

of my prayer so that my prayer and speech are made whole through the life and

spirit of all growing things, which are made as one by their transcendent Source.”

Don't be decieved into thinking this pray has anything to do with the creator God of the Bible or that it is somehow different to the beliefes of the global environmental movement - climate change agenda cult.

See link to understand what Gaia worship is.


Do you know what the Terra Carta (TC) is? Link to website

King Charles is the key figure of the TC.  

Look at the words below explaining what the TC is for.

About the Terra Carta Name

"Deriving its name from the historic Magna Carta, which inspired a belief in the fundamental rights and liberties of people over 800 years ago, the Terra Carta aims to reunite people and planet, by giving fundamental rights and value to Nature, ensuring a lasting impact and tangible legacy for this generation."

NOTE: "The Terra Carta aims to reunite people and planet."

King Charles is against God and works for the devil.

The Christian response is that fallen sinful man must repent and be reconcilled to God not the earth. This is only possible through the forgiveness of sins, which was done through the obediance of Jesus Christ who shed His blood for that reason. The death He died He died to sin. Romans 5:8-8; 6; 10, Hebrews 9:15-22

The C40
, a global network of mayors, from 96 of the world’s leading cities have also affirmed their support for the Sustainable Market’s Initiative, including the blueprint set out in the Terra Carta for the transition to a sustainable future.



Is your name in the book of life

This world is under the sway of the wicked one and unless you are in Christ and He in you then you will die in your sins and at your ressurection you will stand before the throne of God. Revelation 20:11-15 Anyone not found written in the book of life will be cast into the lake of fire.

Link to Is it possible that mankind can save themselves?


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