Let’s start with clouds
Many individuals of a certain age can recall the distinct appearance of the skies from their past. Cloud formations possessed recognizable characteristics and were often classified by type.
Cloud formations
Cirrostratus, Cirrocumulus, Cirrus
Cumulonimbus, Altostratus, Altocumulus
Nimbostratus, Stratus, Stratocumulus, Cumulus
Jet Planes
Contrails & Chemtrails
When you observe jet planes flying in the sky you will notice they leave behind trails, some are contrails, (photo on left) which dissipate shortly after their formation.
However, many planes you can observe are leaving behind chemtrails.
See the 3 photos below.
After chemtrail activity, you will notice patterns of persistent white trails that linger in the atmosphere for hours. These trails intersect, and give the impression they are a cloud formation, diffusing sunlight and creating a blanket-like effect of white haze.
When the question of chemtrails is raised, the response will be one of two things. It’s contrails or it’s cloud.
What is key to this is knowing what contrails look like and what basic cloud formations look like.
There is a website that is laughably called Full Fact who will tell us all that THEY know the truth, that chemtrails are a conspiracy and that we mustn’t believe anyone who thinks thay are anything but contrails and we should not worry about the. See Link to Full Fact https://fullfact.org/online/chemtrails-clouds-sky-mackerel/
Here is further proof of how bad things are that people are deliberately creating a false narrative against chemtrailing. Link here https://weather.thefuntimesguide.com/what-is-cloud-seeding/
Those who say it’s a conspiracy are being deceitful.
The existence of chemtrails has been a documented observation spanning numerous years. Fact.
Science (meaning with knowledge) is something that when studied or observed we can learn what something does. So we can all be scientist, can’t we?
Admittedly, there will be some better than others, but don’t let the elitist class of scientist tell you otherwise.
But what connection does chemtrailing have to do with the climate agenda?
Geoengineering techniques such as Solar Radiation Management (SRM) are proposed to block or reflect a portion of the sun's rays as a means of mitigating global warming and climate change.
Now consider (SRM) at this point and the fact that we are being pushed with the idea that we need renewables. And one item in particular solar panels.
Now think chemtrails. Chemtrails designed to reflect sunlight away. Yes that’s right. This is like convincing us we have a water shortage and that we must save water, then selling us buckets with holes in. What a joke.
Sun is for the solar panels, the chemtrails are to reflect the sunlight away. This is an oxymoron.
The met office
To those who can't see the obvious, below is a video that the Met office tell us about chemicals that are put into the sky, they call it geoengineering. Amazing isn't it that when Fred Blogs or Jackie Smith says chemtrails are poisoning our skies that he/she is called a conspiracist but the Met Office calls it something else and that's fine..... Hypocrites.
Bill Gates
Billionaire Bill Gates is financially backing the development of sun-dimming technology.
An interesting article can be found here about Bill Gates
Another Link here to read an article from Popular Mechanics
In closing
Greta Thunberg let the cat out the bag “saying the climate change crisis doesn’t exist”
Link here to see video
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