The Eternal Fire


What has the eternal fire got to do with the global environmental movement (G.E.M) Climate change and global warming?
The irony of this subject is that the concept of global warming is actually God has reserved the earth for a judgement of fire. A letter written by an apostle of Christ (Peter) wrote this in 2Peter 3:1-5

The scriptures teach that God is love, He is merciful and kind, so how can God punish sinners forever in the lake of fire?  God is also just and righteous, and will one day act according when His judgement is made up those who have rejected Jesus Christ.

This is a very serious topic, and we must seek God and read His word to understand what is the eternal fire.

smoke of their tormnet

Reading Isaiah 66:23-24 we read, “All humanity will come to worship me from week to week and from month to month. [24] And as they go out, they will see the dead bodies of those who have rebelled against me. For the worms that devour them will never die, and the fire that burns them will never go out. All who pass by will view them with utter horror.”  

The picture we see is both physical and graphic. It's necessary to understand what

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