Co2 the facts

Don't you just love it when somebody points out the elephant in the room? I do.


Below are a list of videos from experts who understand C.o2 and climate.

PLEASE NOTE: As secularists, their beliefs on the age of the earth will not be correct however their knowledge on C.o2 and the climate is of great benefit to any who drowning in the sea of net-zero fanaticism.

Nobel laureate Dr. John Clauser, a CO2 Coalition Board of Directors member, delivered a lecture at Quantum Korea 2023 Seoul on June 26, 2023.


Next up

William Happer  

Professor of Physics Emeritus, Princeton University This speech was given at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar on February 19, 2021, in Phoenix, Arizona





Paul Burgess

This video is designed as part of a larger campaign to bring UK councils to justify their huge sums being spent on Net Zero without any benefits passing onto their constituents.

Here is a more recent video with Paul Burgess being interviewed.

Gregory Wrightstone

 Geologist and CO2 Coalition Executive Director, Gregory Wrightstone, uses scientific facts in his interview with Stu to refute climate change alarmism claims.




Willie Soon

Astrophysicist and climate scientist Dr. Willie Soon gave this presentation titled "The Sun Also Warms" at the Friends of Science 16th Annual Major Event on April 10, 2019 at the Red & White Club in Calgary, Alberta. 


 rature data sets.

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